Sherry Allen-Lavoie Art
Vortex Based Mathematics
This color wheel is actually a combination of CMYK and RGB. This gives us 7 colors for 7 chakras. As mentioned in the video the colors should be: 0=black, 1=red, 2=orange, 3=yellow, 4=green, 5=cyan, 6=blue, 7=indigo, 8=magenta and 9=white
By continually reducing or doubling numbers (to 30 decimal places), a specific pattern emerges. Initially I choose the wrong colors for each number, which I later tried to fix. Here I have assigned black to zero and white to 1. All other colors follow the color wheel (2=red, 3=orange, 4=yellow, 5=green, 6=cyan, 7=blue, 8=purple, 9=magenta). The experiment shows that numbers are alive. They have an innate pattern and affinity for one another. Please watch the above video for more info.
Continuous reduction of the square root of 2 to 30 decimal places
Here I corrected the colors to match the chakra's and assigning black to zero, and white to 9. All other numbers follow the color wheel (1=red, 2=orange, 3=yellow, 4=green, 5=cyan, 6=blue, 7=purple, 8=magenta).
Continuous reduction of the square root of 3
Correction of colors.
Swirling pattern of 9's revealed. 9 is a unique number that behaves unlike any other.
Continuous reduction of the square root of 5
Continuous reduction of the square root of 6
Continuous reduction of the square root of 7
Continuous reduction of the square root of 8
Continuous reduction of the square root of 10
Continuous reduction of the square root of 11
Continuous reduction of the square root of 12
You can see how the numbers swirl around like a vortex
a closer look reveals clustering of numbers
assigning colors to numbers
Assigning colors to the numbers reveals the patterned matrix.
Numbers as colors and their interactions
© 2010 by Sherry Hope Allen-Lavoie