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Wisdom  (Beaver)

Look to Beaver – amik – for Wisdom. 
amik has formidable teeth. do you 
know what will become of amik if he 
does not use his gift? his teeth will 
grow until they are no longer of any 
use to him. They will hinder him. amik 
uses his gift wisely to thrive and so 
must you. 
now is the time to ponder over life, 
death and rebirth. and be grateful for 
the gift you have been given in this life. 
feed on Corn, the first of the Three 
Sisters. Then find a poplar tree and 
from the branch of this Standing one 
whose arms reach high into blue sky, 
make a flute in the key of f. i will hear 
your gratitude and all will be good. 
Open to the kindness, quiet, silence and 
gentleness inside your own heart, for it is 
here when you quietly tune to Mother Earth 
that you can hear Her voice. You can hear 
Her beautiful songs of love that She sings 
to her minerals and crystal children. Hear 
the beautiful ballads and mystical plaintive 
chants that She sings to Her waters, 
earth, air, fire, ether, and the great strong 
healing remedy melodies that She sings 
to all Her bereaved and sickened animals 
who long for and need Her loving chants 
and melodies. You can hear Her also in 
the sighing winds as She cries for Her own 
creatures and children, including you.
TaTanka yoTanka, SiTTing Bull

© 2010 by Sherry Hope Allen-Lavoie

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